Will of John Meader [0002]

In the name of God, Amen.

The second day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirty-six, I, John Meder of Durham in the province of Hew Hampshire in New England, being weak In body…

My will Is that my son Joseph Meder pay the one half of my funeral charge and the one half of my debts as I do in reason and conscience owe to any person or persons, being justly paid in convenient time after my decease. Then, my debts being paid and my funeral charge defrayed, I do bequeath the remainder thus:

I do give unto my son Joseph Meder the remainder of all my lands which I have not before disposed of.

I do give unto my son Nicolous Meder my lumes and sleas and harness.

I give my two grandsons John Tibbetts and Jeremiah Tibbetts twenty shillings to be equally divided between them.

I give to my two daughters Elisabeth Hanson and Abigail Davis all my moveable estate which I have not before disposed of to be equally divided between them.

Signed, sealed and delivered, John Meder

In the presence of us:

Daniel Meder

Benjamin Mathes

Joseph Cartlan

[Proved December 17, 1736.]