0654. Jane Doris Meader (1930 –
Jane Doris Meader, daughter of Jerome C. Meader (1902-1970) [0562] and Doris
Conner (b.1906), was born in Schenectady, NY January 3, 1930. June 30, 1952 in
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi she married Dow Nye, born September 2, 1925 in Nelsonville,
OH the son of Melissa Idean Ray and George Alfred Nye.
“After three years at Keuka College with a major in English and a minor in psychology,
I transferred to the University of Oklahoma Art School for one year. I met my husband
while working for General Electric in Cleveland, OH, and following our marriage we
lived for a short time in New Orleans. My husband had been a merchant seaman for
8 years, but not liking the separation we returned to my home area in New York State
where he attended Union College and started work at the General Electric Company
in Schenectady. When my children were of nursery age I became involved with a cooperative
nursery school and soon found myself chairman, a position I held for four years,
accomplishing incorporation of the school and purchase of a rural schoolhouse. At
this point, as classes were to begin for the school year, our teacher could not fulfill
her contract, and I agreed to teach until a teacher could be hired. I taught for
6 years, became active in the NY State Association for the Education of Young Children,
supervised student teachers and was editor of the New York Early Education Reporter.
Later I was employed as a bookkeeper for a local heating oil company.”
She was the secretary, treasurer and prime moving force behind the Meader Family