0085. Charity Cleveland Meader (1795 – 1882)

Charity Cleveland Meader, daughter of William Meader (1750-1829) [0031] and Widow Phebe Tripp (1763-1848), was born in New Bedford, MA March 4, 1795 and died August 13, 1882, in her 88th year. She was married on February 19, 1815 by Reverend Ephraim Randall to Christopher Slocum, son of Christopher and Sally (Ash) Slocum, who was born at Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard August 27, 1791 and died at Bristol, RI May 6, 1841.

She was an uncommonly strong woman, very mirthful and social, energetic and practical. After her husband's death she lived with her son-in-law, Alden Wordell, who married her daughter Hepsabeth. After Hepsabeth's death in 1852, Charity Meader Slocum’s daughter Elizabeth became housekeeper for Alden Wordell, and Charity spent the remainder of her days there.

Her labors during the Civil War told heavily on her mind, for she had overtaxed herself physically and mentally. Their home was made a place of deposit for all articles sent to the hospital. The confusion attendant upon such work, the journeying and fatigue, were not realized at the time. Her health and mind failed rapidly in the latter years of her life, and the care of her told heavily on Elizabeth. She suffered terribly from softening of the brain, and she became insane. Her death was hastened by falls: She had four before the last.

The Newport Mercury reported on August 19, 1882:

“Charity Slocum was the agent of the Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society of New Bedford, and the faithful holder of their liberal bounties. Many a sick and wounded soldier will kindly remember ‘Aunt Charity,’ who was continually on the watch to alleviate suffering and to gratify the wants of the poor, peevish invalid burning with fever or suffering pain from wounds, and unable to procure needful delicacies from the hospital supplies. Her visits were regularly made, her inquiries of the sick as to their needs were noted, and the succeeding visit was sure to bring the wished-for luxury. Often did the phrase, ‘God bless her’ go up from the poor, suffering heroes.

“She also performed much good work among the prisoners in the New Bedford jail, and she was a warm friend of the Bethel of that city.“

The children of Charity Meader and Christopher Slocum were:.
i. Adeline Slocum, born September 29, 1816 and died March. 11, 1819, twin to Sarah.
ii. Sarah Shepherd Slocum, twin to Adeline, born September 29, 1816 and died July 30, 1887. On September 15, 1833 [ed, but at 16?] she married Joseph Tobay of Falmouth, Mass., who died of consumption in March, 1863. They resided in Boston for thirty years. She moved to New Bedford on July 11, 1868 and returned to South Boston on March 8, 1872, where she died and was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery.
iii. Andrew Gardner Slocum, born March 21, 1819 and died September 11, 1826.
iv. Edward G. Slocum, born June 7, 1821 and died July 15, 1822.
v. Adeline Cleveland Slocum, born September 27, 1823 and died April 3, 1841.
vi. Edward Barnard Slocum, born November 8, 1825 and died May 14, 1827.
vii. Hepsabeth Barnard Slocum, born April 3, 1828 and died November 20, 1852. On October 4, 1847 she married Alden Wordell, son of Perry and Rebecca Wordell of New Bedford. He was born July 26, 1816. They had one child.

Elizabeth Meader Slocum, born May 6, 1832 and still living in 1869 when she drew up the Meader genealogy on which the later ones are based. She graduated from high school at the age of 17 and was for five years a teacher in the New Bedford public schools. In 1854 she was compelled to resign because of her health. After the death of her mother and other relatives she became more of an invalid and suffered from nervous and spinal disorders. After her sister's death she was housekeeper for Mr. Wordell. Her sister gave Elizabeth her son Frank Wordell who, as he was but four at the time of his mother's death, knew no other mother.

Elizabeth was always very energetic and deeply interested in her family history. She compiled the most complete and accurate genealogy of the Meader family then in existence.

ix. Mary Cleveland Slocum, born September 3, 1835 and died June 15, 1876. On November 29, 1857 she married Seth R. Thomas. She taught five or six years in the public schools of New Bedford.